Bartered: A Western Romance Page 6
All of a sudden Megan let loose a string of colorful curses. “How the hell are you, me, and Dory going to fit on the bed? I’m the only svelte one around here.”
Trudy and Spring groaned out loud at Megan’s perfect description of herself.
Claire grabbed a pillow and held it above Megan’s face. “We could smother her and hide the body,” she said with such a straight face that Emma gasped with horror. Claire laughed. “I’m just joshing, Emma.”
Megan poked out her tongue. “Smartass.”
“Bitch,” Claire mumbled and swung her legs to the floor. “I’m going to see if Dory has some of those powder remedies she uses. Coming, slut?”
Megan rolled out of bed. “Right behind you, bitch.”
The door slammed shut.
Emma stood there completely dumbfounded. After the hair pulling and insults over a pair of stockings, the two had gone on their merry way as if nothing had happened.
Trudy yawned. “Finally, some peace and quiet.” She crawled into the bed and shimmied under the blankets while Spring went to the closet and slipped on a robe. She bid both girls goodnight and left.
Trudy rolled onto her side. “Get some sleep, Emma. Things will look better in the morning.”
Emma would’ve liked to debate that remark, but Trudy’s soft steady breathing indicated that she had fallen right to sleep.
Now it was her turn. Emma allowed herself to relax. It felt nice to sleep in a soft feather bed instead of the thin mattress in her old room. She was used to getting up in the morning bent over as if she had slept on a bed of horseshoes.
But she wasn’t out of the woods yet. She still had to find a job and somewhere else to stay whether Jake liked it or not. He had no control over her actions. However, she was grateful that he didn’t throw her out on the street and would do her best to be pleasant during her stay.
Rolling on her side, she drew her knees to her chest. If she did take off, what would he do if he caught her? Would he take his belt to her bare backside too? She turned onto her back again and imagined herself naked and lying face down over his hard thighs. Slipping two fingers between her thighs, she stifled a moan. Her flesh was ultra-sensitive whenever she thought of Jake touching her so intimately.
All of a sudden her belly rumbled, reminding her that she’d missed supper. If she was to keep her strength up she had to eat. Emma cast one last look at Trudy and went to the door. Hopefully, there was something downstairs to ease her hunger. If not it was going to be a long night.
Chapter Eleven
As soon as Hank left for the night, Jake locked up and went into the back room where the liquor was stored. A pot of hot coffee sat on the cook stove. He grabbed a hunk of cheese from the small icebox and placed it on the table. He sliced off a couple of pieces of bread and made himself a sandwich. He was just about to take a bite when he heard a loud creak. He smiled. It was a good thing he never got that third step from the top fixed. It worked as well as an alarm.
Curious as to who would be traipsing around at this hour, he kept the lamp lit and backed into the shadows. Jake remained still as a figure entered the room and came closer to the light. It was Emmaline. Resisting the urge to reveal himself, he opted to wait just to see what she was going to do. She began to root through a cupboard that the bread was kept in and heard her grumble when she found nothing inside.
“If you’re snooping for money you’re out of luck. I keep all the cash locked in a safe box.”
One slim hand flew to her slender throat. “Jake, you scared the bejesus out of me. What are you doing up at this time of the night?”
“I should be asking you the same question,” he replied flatly, walking toward her. She backed a step, but then held her ground and raised her chin a notch.
Those pale green eyes emitted a spark of temper and he almost smiled. Lord knows he didn’t do much smiling anymore.
“I don’t steal. I’m not my father.”
“No, you’re not.” He folded his arms across his wide chest. “But the apple don’t fall far from the tree. You are his daughter.”
She straightened her shoulders. “I had a mother too, don’t forget and she was the most honest person I’ve ever known,” she countered evenly.
Jake visibly relaxed. “Well, you got me there, Emmaline,” he drawled.
She stamped her foot. “Don’t call me Emmaline.”
“Why not, that’s what I used to call you way back when.”
* * *
At least one trait of his hadn’t changed. He still got a kick out of making her lose her temper.
“Way back when, yes and I didn’t like it then either.” Emma’s stomach growled, but she’d starve before she asked him for a crust of bread. He still thought she was in cahoots with her pa and that both angered and hurt.
“You’ll never believe that I had nothing to do with this. I refuse to stay here and be constantly interrogated. I’m leaving.” She marched to the open doorway, but he was way ahead of her.
“Over my dead body.”
“That can be arranged,” she snarled, thrusting out her bottom lip.
“Always the cheeky little brat. Let’s get something clear right here right now. We may only be a few years apart, but that makes me your elder. Show me respect or suffer the consequences.” His hands immediately dropped to his waist.
Emma’s heartbeat quickened. Those thick fingers resting on his belt buckle were poised and ready. “You wouldn’t dare lay a hand on me again.”
He stepped aside. “Go ahead. Defy me. I guarantee you won’t do it twice.”
Emma gulped. She searched his face hoping to find a hint of a smile or a softening in his expression and found nothing. No relaxed jaw or laughing eyes. “What happened to you, Jake? Where’s my friend from years ago?”
Jake stepped in her personal space. He bent his head and whispered next to her ear, “That man no longer exists. Now, are you going to tell me the truth or must I turn you over to the law?”
Emma nervously licked her lips. “If you must know I was looking for something to eat. I didn’t have any supper.”
Jake arched a brow. “Why, were you a naughty girl?”
“Will you be serious for once?” She expelled a sigh. “Pa eats most of the food.”
* * *
To say he was taken aback at her reply would’ve been an understatement. The simple fact that she could be hungry had never crossed his mind.
At that moment her belly rumbled loudly. Swearing under his breath, he took her by the hand and led her over to the table. He yanked out a chair and pushed her down. “Sit.”
While he went about making her a cheese sandwich, every so often Jake would steal a glance at the young woman sitting quietly at the table. She looked so out of place. She should be all dolled up and going to church socials. She should have the men in town buzzing around her like bees to a honeypot vying for her attention. Hell, she should be married and in bed with her husband instead of sitting in a saloon. Of all the men he knew he wondered who would be the lucky one to claim Emmaline Foley.
Not thinking, Jake grabbed the coffeepot without a pad. His raw use of certain words singed Emma’s ears.
“Are you okay?” She started to get up, but he wagged his head.
“I’m fine.” He placed her sandwich on a plate and set it down in front of her. “Eat before you pass out on me.”
Jake was surprised to see his hand shaking as he poured two cups of coffee and sat across from her. He studied her features while she dug into her food. There was a tinge of purple beneath both eyes that matched the bruise on one cheekbone. Evidently, her father didn’t hold anything back when he struck her.
A surge of protectiveness suddenly coursed through him and nearly brought him to his knees. He couldn’t remember feeling this way toward Lucille.
“How long has this been going on?”
Emma looked up in bewilderment. He eyed her cheek and she gently touched the tender area. “It started shortly a
fter Ma died. I never realized how hard Ma worked both inside and outside the house. She never complained. I’m afraid me and Pa had taken her for granted. I wish I would have told how much I appreciated her.”
“I’m sure she knew. Why didn’t you come to me?”
“It’s not up to you to defend me. Besides, after Ma died I didn’t get to town much. I had too many chores to do.”
“Damn, Emmaline, you could’ve made time.”
Emma bit into her sandwich. She swallowed and took a sip of coffee. She had often thought of doing that very thing, but he had a wife. “First of all, you were a married man. Then your dad passed away. I guess I didn’t want to cause you any more trouble.” She finished the last bite of her sandwich and drained the coffee.
Jake snorted. “None of that matters now, does it? We’re already passed trouble. The fact that you’re here is a goddamn catastrophe.” Jake made another sandwich. “Here, eat another one. I don’t keep a lot of food around so this will have to do until morning.”
“This is fine, truly.”
Emma chose that moment to poke out her tongue and swipe away a crumb at the corner of her mouth. His cock nearly burst out of jeans as he pictured her on her knees with his fingers tangled in her hair while he used dirty words to tell her how to suck his cock.
“Well, hell.” Jake leaped to his feet, knocking his chair over. He made a grab for it and missed. Pissed, he kicked the chair across the room.
Surprised by his temper, Emma vaulted from her own seat. “What on earth is wrong now?”
“Nothing, Emmaline, not a goddamn thing,” he snapped. “If you’re finished go back to your room.”
“But Jake...”
“I will not tell you again.” He fingered his belt in a threatening manner.
Twin flags of red appeared on her cheekbones. “The girls told me how you use that belt of yours when they don’t listen.”
He forced back a pleased smile. Her eyes shone bright and he could almost smell her arousal. His little Emmaline was turned on by his warning. He longed to unbuckle his belt just to see if she’d stand her ground or run from the room.
“Then let this be a warning. Defy me and you will be treated the same.”
Her bottom lip began to quiver. Damn, it hadn’t been his intention to make her cry. Sometimes he could be a heartless bastard. Hoping to smooth things over, he took a step toward her but stopped when she tilted her chin.
“Maybe Lucille was telling the truth about you beating her.” Shocked that she could say such a thing, she covered her mouth and ran from the room.
Jake stood long after Emma had flung those accusatory words in his face. He never cared what people thought of him. If some still believed his ex-wife’s lies then so be it. But when it came to Emmaline he cared way too much.
Jake righted the chair and slumped into it. What in the hell was wrong with him? Why couldn’t he control his physical reactions whenever they were together?
When the saloon was closed and the shades drawn down, the girls would often wander around in various stages of undress and it didn’t bother him in the least.
He tossed back the rest of his coffee. Emmaline was going to be trouble. He could feel it in his gut. Maybe it was best she believed all the gossip. She’d stay away from him, making it easier for him to forget her.
Chapter Twelve
Emma woke to the sound of giggling. She blinked the sleep from her eyes and saw Trudy holding a long feather. “It’s about time you got up, sleepyhead. I was just about to tickle your nose.”
“Oh, my, what time is it?”
“Just past noon,” Claire replied. “Come on and get dressed. Jake must’ve gone to the Blue Bonnet and got us some breakfast. I can smell the coffee way up here.”
Emma yawned then fell back on the bed while Claire and Trudy were talking. The words she’d so carelessly flung in Jake’s face haunted her to the point that all she did was toss and turn. “Isn’t it kind of late for breakfast?”
“Ha, not if you happen to be the Jake McCabe. The owners’ daughter is sweet on him. I swear she’d do anything for him.”
That was a surprise. Amelia had never mentioned having an interest in Jake. “You mean Amelia?”
“That’s the one.” Trudy jumped on the bed and began tickling Emma’s ribs. “I ain’t stopping until you get out of that bed.”
Emma slapped her hands playfully. “All right, I’m up.” She flung back the covers and scurried into the washroom to do her morning ablutions. She looked at her reflection and saw the slight bags under her eyes.
“Come on, Emma,” Trudy yelled. Not seeing a brush anywhere, Emma ran her fingers through her hair and put on the dress she had worn yesterday.
As she descended the steps with the others every so often she’d stop and look around. The saloon was much different in the light of day. The dance floor was bigger and there were a lot of card tables scattered about.
Emma stopped short when she saw the portrait of a partially nude woman hanging above the bar. She hadn’t noticed it the night before. The woman wore a low-cut dress that barely contained her enormous bosoms and her legs were bare.
Spring yelled, “Hurry, Emma, before Claire sucks down all the coffee.”
“Everybody knows Claire’s a good sucker,” Megan commented brashly.
“You’re just jealous,” Claire retorted.
Emma caught up with Trudy. “Here we go again with those two.” As they crossed the dance floor, she noticed a slight limp in Trudy’s step.
“Trudy, are you hurt?”
“What? Oh, it’s nothing. Just a sore hip is all.”
“You were fine yesterday.” Emma persisted. “Tell me what happened.”
Trudy slowed to a stop and sighed. “If you must know, one of the customers I was with last night kicked me a couple of times, that’s all.”
Her blasé attitude irritated Emma. “That’s all?” she mimicked angrily.
Trudy nodded. “It’s not a big deal, Emma. These things happen sometimes.”
“The hell it ain’t a big deal,” Emma retorted angrily. “Does Jake know?”
“Don’t you dare tell him, Emma. I mean it. Promise me you won’t say a word.”
Deep down in her heart, Emma knew she couldn’t keep such a promise. “Trudy, I...”
“I know you’re trying to help, but it’s best if you stay out of it for your own sake. Besides, Dory knows all about it anyway.”
“I’d forget about Dory and go straight to Jake.”
“Are you loco? We’re supposed to go to Dory and that’s what I did. Now stop worrying and let’s eat. I’m starved.” Trudy slipped her arm through Emma’s and picked up the pace.
The table was filled with plates of scrambled eggs, bacon, fried potatoes, and toast.
“Don’t be shy, sugar, help yourself.” Spring took the liberty of spooning another helping of scrambled eggs on Emma’s plate. Emma couldn’t believe her eyes. There was so much food. Her usual breakfast consisted of a piece of toast while her pa ate more heartily. Since they only had two old hens, eggs were scarce. Pa would buy salted pork but most of the time there wasn’t enough to feed both of them.
The girls ate fast and were finished way before Emma. “I’ll clean up if you all have plans for the day.”
Claire yawned. “I’m going back to bed. Thanks a bunch, Emma.”
“Yeah, thanks, Emma,” Megan replied. “I’m going to the dress shop.” She looked at Trudy and Spring. “You two want to come along?”
Spring nodded, but Trudy declined. She got up from the table, smiled at Emma, and left the room.
Emma finished her toast and began to gather up the dishes when she heard someone enter the room. She turned around and saw Jake standing in the doorway watching her with a peculiar expression on his face.
“I, um, volunteered to clean up.”
“Always the helpful one,” Jake remarked nonchalantly, pushing away from the wall and walking further into the room. He
poured a cup of coffee and leaned against the counter.
“Let’s talk.”
She set the dishes down and faced him. “About what?”
“Do you remember the time you threw a rock at Jess and thought you killed him?”
His question about the past caught her completely off guard. She thought for sure he was going to scold her for the bold words last night. “Remember, how could I forget? I was never so scared in my entire life. I shouldn’t have done it but you both were so awful with your teasing. I also remember all the times you pushed me in the water and then stood on the bank laughing hysterically.”
“I did laugh, didn’t I, but then how could I not? You’d stomp out of the water spitting like a wet cat.” He raised the cup to his mouth, causing the muscles in his arm to flex. His dark hair brushed the collar of his chambray shirt and curled up somewhat. Her gaze traveled over his broad shoulders and deep chest.
Then her eyes drifted lower.
She took in his lean muscled thighs, long legs, and tan boots. He could easily overpower her at any time and do whatever he wanted. She wouldn’t have a chance at fighting him off. Would she even want to?
“Do you like what you see?”
Puzzled, Emma’s brows knitted. “I beg your pardon?”
“You, my dear, were blatantly checking me out.”
“I was not, Jake McCabe.”
He set down his cup and pulled out a chair. “Sit, Emmaline, we need to have a talk.”
Her heart skipped a beat. Just like that his humorous demeanor switched to one of a more serious nature. “What sort of talk?”
Chewing her bottom lip, Emma watched as he picked up a chair and set it down in front of her. He sat and they were so close their knees touched ever so slightly. A shiver of delight zipped up her thigh.
Jake cleared his throat. “Since you’re going to be here for a while, I have certain rules you must follow.”
“Rules, are you serious?”
He shrugged. “My house, my rules. There aren’t many, but if you break one of those rules you will be punished.”
Saints alive! “That’s preposterous. I’m not one of your girls.”